Please consider supporting us here at St. Bernadette’s Family Resource Centre. Your donations go a long way in helping us to support our programs. Every dollar donated will help us provide affordable programs and offer program fee subsidy to families in need.
The agency offers accessible parent relief programs such as our St. Bernadette’s Day Care, Breakfast Club, After School Club, Summer Camp, Parent/Child We Need a Break School Readiness, Little Angel’s Corner for babies with special needs, and St. Jude’s Academy of the Arts, our day program for youth and adults with special needs.
These programs:
Help families with intellectually and/or physically challenged children;
Supports single parents, victims of wife abuse, new immigrants, and those who experience adverse circumstances such as low income;
Improve the quality of life of families.
Please be a Hand of Hope to the children, youth and adults with special needs, whom we serve.
God Bless!
Charitable Registration #13586 6721 RR0001​