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A Sharing About St. Bernadette's

Here is a sharing from one parent about her experience with St. Bernadette's.

"In 2009, I was a mother of twin girls for two and a half years. I was concerned about my daughters speech development and was referred to St. Bernadette's so my girls could interact with other children their age. I believe the centre changed the course of my life. After signing up my daughters into St. Bernadette's I decided to volunteer int he school directly connected to the centre. I realized then I needed to reapply into Teacher's College in order to fulfill my life long passion of teaching. I was accepted the following year and my two girls then went into the full-time daycare program at St. Bernadette's. I will forever be thankful to St. Bernadette's for their hospitality and care. Each staff member showed my daughters individualized attention and modeled compassionate Christian character that has inspired my girls and myself. I cannot thank St. Bernadette's enough for all they have done for my family. My daughters started SK this year at a school near our home, but they continue to remember the names and exceptional times at St. Bernadette's."

Mrs. P."

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